30 August 2024

Welcome to Week 7 of Term 3!
BEAT Festival
This year Francesca, Taiba, Aminah, Fleur and I have had the pleasure of working with Martika, Emily, Kiara-Lee, Denilson, Kinisha, Kiara, Elizabeth, Miley and Kristine on this year’s BEAT songs – the theme is ‘HOME’.
We are performing at the Darwin Entertainment Centre on Wednesday the 4th of September.
The BEAT Festival is the NT Department of Education's annual performing arts showcase. It is a large scale combined schools production led by the NT Music School with the support of the BEAT Foundation, showcasing the great work of our schools. An annual and keenly anticipated event since 1979, the 3 shows in September each year typically feature:
- 300 voice choir
- 25 piece orchestra
- dance groups and other physical performers
- rock bands, soloists and other musical ensembles
- talented vocalists from ages 12 to 18
- a great production featuring great lighting, sound and audio visual content
Tickets are still available via the link below!
Henbury Precinct
The Henbury Precinct Café is open again and the OpShop is ready for donations and sales. Check out our facebook page for more details! https://www.facebook.com/HenburyPrecinct
School Council
A reminder that if you would like to have a say in how our school operates, we encourage any new or existing parents to join our School Council. We would also like to encourage an indigenous voice for our school council as we have 56% indigenous students. You don’t need any experience to join, just a passion to provide the best for your child.
Transition / Education Adjustment Plan Review Meetings Start Week 7
Your child’s teacher will be in contact soon to make a time to review their T/EAP. This is an excellent opportunity to celebrate student successes and achievements across the year. You can arrange to do the meeting online, via phone or in person.
Year 12 Graduation Fundraiser
On the 7th September, Year 12 students and staff are hosting a sausage sizzle fundraiser at Bunnings Palmerston. Make sure you drop in for a snag and a soft drink!
We celebrate RUOK? Day on 12th September this year. Students and staff are invited to wear yellow to show their support.
R U OK? inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with those in their world who may be struggling with life.
You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener.
Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:
- Ask R U OK?
- Listen
- Encourage action
- Check in
Have a fabulous rest of the term one and all!
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela
Lauren Hofmeyer
Assistant Principal
On Sunday 18th of August, three Henbury students, five staff, and three ex Henbury students attended the Can Regatta at Mindil Beach. A couple of students popped down for a turn on the boats between races. This year, the school had two boats named The Moana and Turtle Tub. Staff wore shirts designed by Kristine in B3. Students and staff had a lot of fun and tried hard in all races and battles. Natalia, Jade and Dennis were very proud that Turtle Tub won the novelty boat trophy.
Jade –‘It's my 1st time attending. I loved going on the boats. The water was nice and refreshing’ Dennis – ‘I found the regatta fun because we got to test out the boats.’
Natalia – ‘I loved it and am proud that we won a trophy.’

Middle Years Camp – Henbury School
This year the students of Henbury asked for the most amazing camp ever. Through feedback from the Learning Commissioner students, the middle years camp was created. Students considered the cost, the risk, and the activities they would like to have at camp. The whole middle school cohort of students spent the first day of camp participating in several chosen activities on campus. These included Boxfit, hairdressing, slip and slide, swimming, and bike riding just to name a few. After school hours the campers had fun with facepainting, glow in the dark soccer, a movie, talent show, and disco. As the night closed everyone helped to make up their beds and went to sleep in the school hall. It was super fun having a sleepover with all the students. In the morning everyone enjoyed a buffet breakfast and then went to The Amazing Race challenge at East Point. Teams had fun racing against each other through various games and then headed back to school for a BBQ lunch and to finish off the movie. Best Camp Ever!

Some quotes from students rating this year’s camp experience.
- ‘I rate the food 10/10 because the food was good and very delicious and fresh, and dinner which was the curry sausage, was good and fresh.’
- ‘I found box fit was awesome! I get to learn things in kicking boxing which I like.’
- ’My rating for camp is a 9/10 because I wish it could be for two nights but I’m aware of the risk assessment and I wish that the movie could have been a horror movie but I loved it so much.
- My favourite thing was riding around the school and playing soccer in the dark which was so fun and cool. The movie was so fun and relaxing, and the basketball/dodgeball was very energetic and fun.
- I rate the food 10/10 because I could tell that the people that made the food worked very hard. It was yummy, delicious and amazing. I loved the lasagna.
After finishing up their national competition with the win for the second year in a row, Darwin Salties NWBL players, Jannik and Jaylen spoke to some of our students about how they got into wheelchair basketball, followed by teaching the rules and different skills needed to be able to participate in wheelchair basketball.
The students enjoyed having relay chair races and playing a game of wheelchair basketball, they even played against the Salties themselves!
Jannik and Jaylen are now both currently in Paris to compete in the Paralympics for the Aussie Rollers where they will be joined by Darwin local man, Tom O'Neill Throne.

The Yellow 5 students have had an impressive start to Term 3! Their focus on the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET) Learning Adjustment Plans (LAP) is progressing well, with engaging activities across various subjects.
In English, they are enhancing their functional literacy and skills in responding to real-life texts. Their mathematics lessons are centred around time management and practical financial skills, such as budgeting and shopping. Health and Wellbeing classes are dedicated to building healthy habits, including nutrition and personal care. Additionally, the Cross-Disciplinary work readiness skills are preparing them for future career opportunities.
Y5 students have been gaining valuable experience through work placements, Work Skill Set programs, and Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses. Their involvement alongside students and staff from other schools is providing them with essential skills and qualifications.
The class has also participated in several significant events this year, including the 2024 Darwin Careers Expo, All Abilities Expo and the VET Careers Expo. These outings have been both enjoyable and enlightening, broadening their career perspectives. Gardening, mining, tourism, and hospitality have emerged as popular career interests among the students, thanks to the inspiration gained from these experiences.

HS Art Exhibition

This year we travelled to the Territory Wildlife Park for an overnight camp. All students were able to participate in travelling around the park, meeting and learning about the animals, and having fun with friends. We travelled around the park via train and on foot. Lots of exhausted students left at the end of the day. The seniors that stayed, put up their tents, went to have a private tour of the park at night, went toad hunting, and saw the big crocodile in the aquarium. We all slept like rocks after the big day. Day 2 we packed up our tents and went to visit the wallabies before heading to Kingpin for bowling. If that wasn’t enough, we headed back to school for a BBQ lunch and watched a movie until home time. Two very big days, but lots of fun.

There are two sleeping bags, a blanket and some clothing items that have made their way to our Lost Property area. Please contact the front office on 89977077 if you think they may belong to you.
Students in the horticulture skill set have been involved in all kinds of exciting learning. They have been involved in volunteering at both Jingili Water Gardens Community Garden as well as Lakeside Drive Community Garden. As well as visiting George Brown Community Gardens, CDU, Territory Wildlife Parks and Allora Garden Nursery to get a firsthand look at different workplaces that are involved in the Horticulture field.


Henbury Pride Day 2024 was a great success. The school enjoyed a performance from a Darwin local, Dana, aka Prawn Cracker Spice. Her energy was contagious, and the students loved dancing with her. Afterwards, the school paraded to the hall where the disco was pumping. There were lots of smiling faces as we boogied. Outside the hall, students were invited to fabulous facepainting and a yummy cupcake decorating station.
Pride is all about celebrating everybody's individuality and originality. At Henbury, we are proud to create a safe and inclusive space for all to have fun and be themselves.
All our Year 12 students and families/carers are invited to celebrate our Henbury graduation evening held on Thursday 28th November at Darwin Hilton. Tickets are $80 per person.
Please contact the Henbury front office to let us know you are coming and to pay for tickets. Payment plans are available. An official invite and more info will come home shortly.

UPCOMING EVENTS – Term 3, 2024
5th – 6th September | NT Athletics Championships |
7th September | Year 12 Bunnings Palmerston sausage sizzle fundraiser |
11th September | School Council meeting @ 4:30pm |
12th September | RU OK Day (wear yellow to school) |
18th September | Bunnings Palmerston sausage sizzle fundraiser |
19th September | Whole school assembly |
20th September | Last day of term |
Happy Birthday to the following students that celebrate their birthdays in AUGUST:
Joaquim (Jacky) – 2nd August
Wreece – 2nd August
Dekkie – 2nd August
Zacharias – 3rd August
Tatiana N – 5th August
Jacinta – 6th August
La Toya – 6th August
Miley – 6th August
Trivett – 8th August
Fred – 8th August
Sierra – 12th August
William – 12th August
Chantelle – 17th August
Mila – 18th August
Riley – 19th August
Reecee – 26th August
Jacob – 27th August
Azaria – 28th August
Haylee – 28th August